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Collectible Halloween with Values by Pamela E Apkarian-Russell

Collectible Halloween with Values by Pamela E Apkarian-Russell

Regular price $26.96 USD
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Take a peek, if you dare, into a small, dark corner of a 30-year-old collection and an archive of Halloween collectibles, artifacts, and associated items. The author has been studying, archiving, researching, and writing about the subject for most of those years and is the accepted authority in the field. Halloween, the ultimate fantasy holiday is much like the autumn foliage: full of riotous colors, memories of seasons past, and the enjoyment of the beauty of the moment. Behind every falling yellow and red leaf is not a gust of wind but a mischievous woodland sprite. A sprite you might see on a Halloween night or in the pages of this book.

848 color photos

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  • Collectible Halloween with Values

    Pamela E. Apkarian-Russell


  • Binding: Soft Cover

    Copyright: 1997

    Pages: 192

    Size: 8.5 x 11 in.

    Condition: New

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