Alte Scheibenwaffen Volume 1: Old German Target Arms (Firearms 1860-1940) by Thompson, Dillon, Hallock, Loos, Rowe
Alte Scheibenwaffen Volume 1: Old German Target Arms (Firearms 1860-1940) by Thompson, Dillon, Hallock, Loos, Rowe
Table of Contents: Page 1 - Page 2
Collector Bookstore Notes:
This first volume covers the early history of German target shooting from the early middle ages to just before World War II, as well as rifles from matchlock to percussion.
Publishers Full Description:
A study of the various German target arms reveals a vast and little understood subject. The arms covered in this and two other proposed volumes are: Schutzen rifles, Vogelbuchsen (bird target rifles), Kleinkaliber (.22 target rifles), Wehrmannsgewehr (Militiaman's rifles). Scheibenpistolen (early free pistols) , and Ximmerstuzen (parlor rifles). Oddly no books in either Germany or the US have been written on this subject in over 80 years.
This first volume will cover the early history of German target shooting from the early middle ages to just before World War II, as well as rifles from matchlock to percussion. Also covered are the Bundesschiessen (state or national shoots) and associated memorabilia. American shooters at the Bundesschiessen, Vogelbuchse and the Aydt, Badar, Bornmuller and Cuchel Schuetzen rifles.
Alte Scheibenwaffen Volume 1: Old German Target Arms
Jesse Thompson, C. Ron Dillon, Allen Hallock, Bill Loos, Tom Rowe
Binding: Hard Cover with dust jacket
Copyright: 1999
Pages: 388
Size: 11.38 x 8.75 in.
Condition: New
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