The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 7: Gill-Has by Robert A. Slade
The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 7: Gill-Has by Robert A. Slade
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Robert A. Slade, after collecting old fishing tackle since 1958 and contributing articles on old fishing lures for a collector magazine for several years started researching and writing books in the 1990's. He published the History & Collectible Fishing Tackle Of Wisconsin in 1999 which sold 4,500 copies. Bob realized that even though there have been many books published on the subject of old fishing lures that few books covered any detailed history on the old lure makers. His latest book writing project was nine years in the making and covers over 100 years of lure making history starting in 1875 and covers over 2,500 lures makers throughout all of North America. The Encyclopedia Of Old Fishing Lures Made In North America is the first publication with extensive history and patent information on old lure makers and the first to include extensive coverage on Canadian lure makers. The author traveled to 11 states and 3 Canadian Providences visiting collectors homes, newspaper archives, museums and other sources and has taken over 10,000 pictures in preparing the historical stories for these books. The set of books arranges for the individual and company lures makers to appear in alphabetical order. Each book has over 400 pages of text, pictures and collector values with each book containing a table of contents and index as well as a master index for the complete set of books.
- Gill, J.J., and Associates
- Gilliam, Jewel, Lure Co.
- Gills, Blake / Jack K. Smithwick & Son / Cotton Cordell / High Roller Fish Lure Co.
- Gilmore Tackle Co. (Missouri)
- Gilmore, E.L., & Co.
- Gilmore Tackle Co. (Arkansas)
- Gimken Products U.S.A.
- Gimmick Type Fishing Accessories
- Given Co. / National Sales, Inc.
- Gladding, B.F., & Co., Inc.
- Gladstone, Fred / Bennett Millard Fishing Tackle Co.
- Glare Products Co.
- Glasgow, Inc.
- Glass, A.A., Lures
- Glendon Metal Stamp Works
- Glenn Products, Inc.
- Glenview Bait Research Co.
- Gliebe Co.
- Glirr Mfg. Co.
- Glitterbait Lures
- Glo Lite Bobber, Inc.
- Glo-Lure Co. / Glo-Lure Division (Sturdy-Craft Corp.) / Glo-Lure, Inc.
- Glo-Rite Spinner Co.
- Globe Import Export/ Graforpromet Mfg
- Globe Sales & Engineering
- Glozier Mfg. Co. / Saunder's Tackle Co.Gluck, Josef
- Go-Ite Mfg. Co.
- Gobblers
- Goble, Bert G.
- Goerke, Simon
- Gold Bait Co.
- Gold Tech Mfg. Corp.
- Goldhammer, Clarence L.
- Good Luck Lures
- Good Luck Lure Mfg. Co.
- Good-All Reel Co.
- Good Strike Bait Co.
- Gooderham and Worts, Ltd.
- Gootenburg & Brundage Co.
- Gopher Bait Co.
- Gore, DI' Jim, Lures
- Gornto's Original Bug/Plug
- Got' Cha' Bait Co.
- Goto, Clyde
- Gourmet Lures, Inc.
- Gowen Mfg. Co.
- Gower, A.L., Mfg. Co.
- GP Trade Mark Lures
- Graham Electronic Supply, Inc.
- Grain Belt Distillery Co.
- Grand Daddy Bait Co. / Leo J. Eppel / Gerald Eppel / Grand Daddy Bait Co./ Que Stick Lure Co.
- Grand Lake Fishing Tackle
- Grand Rapids Wood Lures
- Grand River Machine Co.
- Grandma Lures, Inc./ Lurema Limited / Grandma Lures, Subsidiary of Magna Strike
- Grasser, Donald F.
- Grassl's Double 00 Co.
- Graves, F.S.
- Gray, G.S.
- Gray's Tackle Co.
- Grayle Co.
- Great American Bait Co.
- Great Lakes Bait Co. (Illinois)
- Great Lakes Bait Co. (Michigan)
- Great Lakes Products, Inc. / Great Lakes Sporting Goods Limited
- Great River Tackle
- Green-Wyle Co.
- Greene, F.B.
- Greene, J.A.
- Greener, Arthur
- Greer Mfg. Co.
- Gregg, E.C. / Nylure Bait Co.
- Gregory, J.F. / J.F. Gregory & Co. / J.R. Payson / A. Paysen
- Grek Bait Co.
- Gresh, Earl
- Gressard Lures
- Grieder, J.A.
- Griffin Lures / Sam Griffin Lures / Luhr Jensen & Sons
- Grimaldi, NickGrimm Lures
- Griner, J.C.
- Grizzly Fishing Tackle
- Groulx, J.E., Mfg'r
- Grube, W.J.
- Gruenhagen, Bernard M. / Brainerd Bait Co.
- Guarantee Mfg. Co.
- Gudebrod Brothers Silk Co., Inc.
- Gudwer, Hans Lures
- Guides Choice Tackle
- Guillotine Automatic Fish Hook
- Guinnip, Winfield, Co.
- Guise, G.
- Gusick, Harry
- Gustafson, Charles
- Gutsch, Wayne
- Guy's Flies / Guy Montana
- Gypsy Lure & Tackle
- Gypsy, E.F., Lure Co.
- H & H Lure Co. (Louisiana)
- H & H Lure Co. (Maryland)
- H & H Lure Co. (Minnesota)
- H & H Lure Co. (Arizona) / H & H Lure Mfg. Co.
- H & H Plug Co.
- H & J Fishing Tackle / H & J Tackle
- H & M Mfg. Co.
- H & S Lure Co.
- H. & S. Tackle Co.
- H & T Mfg. Co.
- H. & W. Plastic Bait Co.
- H.M.P. Lure Co.
- Haarala, PA., (Arrowhead Lures)
- Haas Tackle Co.
- Haddock, Bill, Fishing Supplies
- Hadfield, Neal
- Hagberg, Kenneth R.
- Hanel Bait Co.
- Hagen Bait Co.
- Hagen Tackle Co.
- Hagen, A.H.
- Halco
- Haley, Jack
- Halik Co.
- Hall, Frank P., Inc.
- Hall, Floyd
- Halls Mfg. Co.
- Hall, William C.
- Halmac Bait Co. / Brownie Bait Co.
- Halrick Tackle
- Hamilton Bait Co.
- Hamilton Engineering Co., Inc.
- Hamilton, F.B.
- Hampton Fishing Lures
- Han-Craft Mfg. Co.
- Hanel, Albert B.
- Hank's Spinning Shop
- Hanks, E.M.
- Hanneman, Art
- Hansen-Kleppen
- Hansen, Jacob / Arntz Sporting Goods
- Hanson, William B., & Co.
- Hanson, R.L., Fishing Tackle Co.
- Hanson, Ivan, Mfg.
- Hanson, Douglas, Sport Shop
- Hanson, W.M.
- Happy Hook Co.
- Happy Hooker Lures
- Harder Co.
- Hardisty Mfg. Co.
- Hardy Brothers / WM. Bartleet IS. Sons
- Hardy, J.A.
- Hardy, WA., Artificial Bait Co.
- Hargadon, Charles, Mfg.
- Hargrett, Wilson W.
- Harkey & Haywood
- Harkies
- Harkins Tackle, Inc.
- Harkle Featherlite Productions
- Harley, O.K., I& Co.
- Harlow Si. Steinbaugh
- Harlow, John R.
- Harly Co.
- Harman's Bait Co.
- Harran, E., & Son
- Harris, Butch, Professional Bass Lures
- Harris, Charles R.
- Harris, Ewell J.
- Harrison Industries/ Harrison Hoge Industries
- Harrison Magic Lure Co.
- Hartig Spinning Lure Co.
- Hartman, Len, Tackle Co.
- Hartung Bros & Co.
- Harvey Lures, Inc.
- Harvey, G.F.
- Harvey, Jim / Division of ocal Industries, Inc.
- Harvey's Equipment & Supply Co.
- Haskell, Riley
- Hass Brothers Hardware
- Hastings Sporting Goods Works / Johnso Sporting Goods Works / Hastings Sporting Goods Co.
- Hastings, James T. / Hastings Weedless Hook

The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 7: Gill-Has
Robert A. Slade
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 2011
Pages: 434
Size: 8.25 x 11 in.
Condition: New

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