The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 8: Hau-I by Robert A. Slade
The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 8: Hau-I by Robert A. Slade
Robert A. Slade, after collecting old fishing tackle since 1958 and contributing articles on old fishing lures for a collector magazine for several years started researching and writing books in the 1990's. He published the History & Collectible Fishing Tackle Of Wisconsin in 1999 which sold 4,500 copies. Bob realized that even though there have been many books published on the subject of old fishing lures that few books covered any detailed history on the old lure makers. His latest book writing project was nine years in the making and covers over 100 years of lure making history starting in 1875 and covers over 2,500 lures makers throughout all of North America. The Encyclopedia Of Old Fishing Lures Made In North America is the first publication with extensive history and patent information on old lure makers and the first to include extensive coverage on Canadian lure makers. The author traveled to 11 states and 3 Canadian Providences visiting collectors homes, newspaper archives, museums and other sources and has taken over 10,000 pictures in preparing the historical stories for these books. The set of books arranges for the individual and company lures makers to appear in alphabetical order. Each book has over 400 pages of text, pictures and collector values with each book containing a table of contents and index as well as a master index for the complete set of books.
- Haupt, Peter / Dick Gries Tackle Co.
- Haver, Percy Fish Lure Co. / Haver's Wonderland Tackle Co.
- Haw River Plastics Co.
- Hawk Fish Lure Co.
- Hawk Sales Co.
- Hawks & Ogilvy
- Hay Mfg. Co.
- Hayden, Boyd, IS Co.
- Hayes Bait Co.
- Hayley, A.L., Jr.
- Haynes Bait Co.
- Hayward, Leland
- Haywood Mfg. Co.
- Hearn, James L.
- Heaslip, Porter S.
- Hedden, Charlie
- Heddon Slick Trick No. 1 130
- Heddon, James, Sons
- Heddon Lure?
- Heffner's Lure Mfg. Co.
- Hege, H.W.
- Heiland & Sons
- Heiner, G.P., Mfg. Co.
- Heino Tackle Co.
- Heitmiller, H.W.
- Helin Tackle Co.
- Hellraiser Tackle Co.
- Helm Specialty Co.
- Helper Bait Co.Hemingway Mfg. Co.
- Hendryx, Andrew B., Co.
- Henkenius-Kane Bait
- Henning-Baldwin
- Henry, A.B., Co.
- Henry's, Buck, Baits
- Henzel, J.G.
- Hep Bait Co.
- Herbert Bait Co.
- Herendeen, G., & Sons / E. Harran & Son
- Hergert, CA.
- Herman, C.A.
- Herman, Lee
- Herrington, Bill, Bait Co.
- Herschel, John C.
- Herter's, Inc.
- Hesse, P.M. / J.M. Bachman Co.
- Hetu, Lionel
- Heuel, A.
- Hex Baits, Ltd.
- Hi-Fin Tackle Co.
- Hi-Tech Creations
- Hibbard, C.B., Fishing Tackle Co.
- Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co.
- Hibbs Tackle Mfg. Co.
- Hick's Minnow Quality Baits
- Hickson Co.
- Hide A Hook / Div. of Safe-T-Lock Corp.
- Hietala, William
- Higgins, Pete, Mfg. Co.
- Higgins Mfg. Co.
- Hildebrandt, J.J., & Co.
- Hildreth, Mike
- Hill, L.S., & Co.
- Hill Billy Lures
- Hill, Ed, & Ken Miller
- Hills Bait Co. / B & R Bait Co.
- Hinckley, Livingston S.
- Hines, C., Baits
- Hinkle, Joe B.
- Hinks Mfg. Co.
- Hinkson Mfg. Co.
- Hobbs Brothers
- Hobbs, W.H., Supply Co.
- Hopgood, Walter
- Hocks Mfg. Co.
- Hoefer Lures / Coleman Industrial Services, Inc.
- Hoegee, William, & Co.
- Hoerr, Philip S.
- Hofmann's Lures
- Hofschneider Corp.
- Hogie Lure Co.
- Hogreff, William E.
- Holcombe, G.B.
- Holdenline Co.
- Holiday Products
- Hollifield Lure Co.
- Holling, H.M., & Co.
- Holmgren, F.P.
- Holter, Jerry
- Holzapfel, J.S.
- Holzworth, J.C.
- Horn-Arts Bait Co.
- Hama, A.G., Si. Son
- Homarth Co., The
- Hontz, Eugene W.
- Hooker Tackle Co.
- Hookzem Bait Co.
- Hoopy Lures
- Hoot Spinner Co.
- Hopatcong Bait Co.
- Hope Engineering Co.
- Hope, Lawrence
- Hopkins Fishing Lures Co., Inc.
- Hoppe, Leland Lee
- Horn, Van
- Hornet, Inc.
- Hornet Lure Co.
- Hornet Lure Co.
- Hornyak, Anton F.
- Horrock-Ibbotson Co. / Canadian Subsidiary
- Horvath, F.H., Little Workshop
- Hoseney Wood Carving Co.
- Hosmer, J.D., Co.
- Hotti Tackle Co.
- Houser Fly Co. / The House of Houser
- Hovde Enterprises, Inc.
- Hub Bait Co.
- Hubbard Lures
- Hubbard Mfg. Co.
- Hudson, John R.
- Huels, F.
- Hugger Bait Co.
- Hughes River Custom Baits
- Hughes, F.E.
- Hughson, E.N.
- Hugo Lures.
- Hump Lure Co.
- Humpal Fishing Tackle, Inc./ Humpal Reel Co.
- Humphrey Bait Co.
- Humpy Bait Co. / R.B. Elbert Sporting Goods Co.
- Hunchback Lures
- Hunt Lure Co., Inc.
- Huntington, L.B.
- Huntley, W.C. & K.S., Knight Co.
- Hurd Lock & Mfg. Co.
- Huron Fishing Tackle, Inc.
- Hurricane Tackle Co.
- Hurrie Bait Co.
- Hutchings Tackle
- Hutchins Mfg. Co.
- Huth, Ben
- Huzen, Archie
- Hydro Lures
- Hypark Specialty
- IXL Mfg. Co.
- Ideal Fishing Tackle Co./ Ideal Fish Bait Co
- Ideal Fishing Float Co.
- Ideal Products, Inc.
- Ideel Fish Lures
- Ilene Industries
- Illinois Pure Aluminum Co.
- Illinois Tool Works, Inc
- Imitation Insect Laboratory
- Imitation Salomon Egg Lure Makers / James D. Maxwell / A.R. Hendry
- lmmell Bait Co. / Immell Bait & Tackle Co.
- Indiana Style Reels
- Injun Joe Fishing Tackle Co.
- Innerfloat Tackle Co.
- Instant Lures, Inc. / Appeal Lures / Fudally Muskie Jerk Baits
- International Sports Corp.
- International Tackle Co.
- Isle Royal Baits
The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 8: Hau-I
Robert A. Slade
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 2011
Pages: 437
Size: 8.25 x 11 in.
Condition: New
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