Snow Babies, Santas & Elves: Collecting Christmas Bisque Figurines by Mary Morrison
Snow Babies, Santas & Elves: Collecting Christmas Bisque Figurines by Mary Morrison
Snow babies appeal not only to Christmas enthusiasts, but to collectors of dolls, figurines, and miniatures. Principally manufactured in Germany in the early part of this century, these tiny grouted figures decorated cakes in England and mantel pieces in the United States.
Today they are avidly sought by collectors, who still use them to create little winter scenes. This carefully researched and documented book explores the origins of snow babies. (Were they created to honor Marie Peary, the daughter of Admiral Peary and the first white baby born in Northern Greenland?) The collection of 700 color photographs, the largest ever published, displays exquisite all-white pieces and the smaller action snow babies. It also introduces the reader to the rare blue and pink snow pieces.
Included are chapters on bisque Santas (over 150 of them), elves, dwarves, snowmen, buildings, animals, and other pieces that are collected and displayed with snow babies. A rarity scale and price guide are included.
693 color photos
Snow Babies, Santas & Elves: Collecting Christmas Bisque Figurines
Mary Morrison
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 1993
Pages: 157
Size: 8.5 x 11 in.
Condition: New
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